The New Pledge of Allegiance
Date: Tue Feb 11, 2003 4:47 pm
Subject: Just wanted to share.
I wrote this today and just wanted to share it. To those who support the war, this is what they stand for.
The New Pledge of Allegiance
I pledge allegiance
To war
And pestilence in America
And to the destruction
That we will cause
If we act
like bullies
And destroy countries
That have done nothing to us.
I pledge allegiance,
Albeit blind,
To a massive government
That doesn't demonstrate
The ability to ration
or think.
I pledge allegiance
To a military
That answers the call of duty
By severing the limbs
Of innocent civilians
a foreign land
All to get to one person.
I pledge allegiance to a man
Who in his finest hour
Showed us he is drunk with power
And to his warmongering
will allow us to be
The greatest country in the global economy.
I pledge allegiance to more 911's
And to the destruction of my American family
All because
We led the war for
That allows us to run
And our massive SUVs.
I pledge allegiance to death
All because I didn't protest
This asinine war on Iraq
And now
Because of George
We have set the stage
For World War Three
All in the name of Lady Liberty!
(c) Tynette Galltin 2003