Fool Feudal Fuel
A train runs on one/tenth of fuel an average airplane uses and can have 100 times more passengers. FACT
Example: On May 15th, 2002, Southwest Airplane #1957 carried 133 passengers from Salt Lake City to Baltimore. Confirmed
by pilot: 28,500 gallons of gasoline used.
Scientists Grow Meat In Vat In what is perhaps
a peek at the future of food, a group of scientists are learning how to grow meat -- potentially reducing the number of animals
to be slaughtered. According to New Scientist magazine, researchers at Touro College in New York were able to make slices
of fish grow bigger by placing them in a vat of nutrient-rich liquid extracted from the blood of unborn calves. A week later,
the pieces of fish had grown 14% larger. "This could save you having to slaughter animals for food," states project leader
Morris Benjaminson. - Parry Normal
Can this method, while educating and providing the unused grains
the animals would normally be eating to the hungry in the world be used responsibly? Could this be the end of mass holocausts
of animals (Cows burned due to "Mad" cow,....) Should this be done in order to reduce # of animals killed?
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Antimatter spacecraft: warp speed
How the Sun Works
How Solar Cells Work
How Solar Yard Lights Work
How Hydropower Works
How Hydrogen Works
Fuel Processors
Natural Gas
Oil/Fossil Fuel
How Oil Drilling Works
How Gasoline Works
Electricity is able to be regenerated and resold through private generators without pollution
How Electic Cars Work
How Nuclear Power Works
Combination Energies
Electromagnetic Propulsion
How Hybrid Cars Work
Electrochemical: Fuel Cells