Size of Baltimore
Baltimore is the largest land mass city in the United States. (New York City is comprised of Buroughs. If Manhattan was its
own city is would be slightly larger). -World Almanac
What is Baltimore's total land area? 49,183.15 acres
What is Baltimore's total water area (including lakes)? 6,631.27 acres
What is Baltimore's total area, including streets and water? 55,674.97 acres
What is Baltimore's total harbor area? 6,491.82 acres
Area by Zoning:
How much land is zoned for Business use? 8,654.83 acres
How much land is zoned for Industrial use? 15,133.89 acres
How much land is zoned for Residential use? (Includes parks and Forest) 25,394.43 acres
Lakes in Baltimore:
Druid Lake 48.85 acres
Lake Montebello 54.22 acres
Lake Ashburton 29.34 acres
Fort Armistead Lake 7.03 acres