Did you know????
Ripley's Believe It or Not
Hey, Fatso! Did you know that 99% of the Solar System's mass is taken up by the Sun? The rest of the mass of the planets,
asteroids, comets, and moons make up the remaining 1%! - Michael Vincent
Today, the Great Wall of China would have cost $260 billion (US) to build.
The human eye can detect more than 10 million different colors.
You're just as likely to die falling out of bed than you are to get struck by lightning. Each is a 1 in 2,000,000 chance.
It is more likely for you to be killed by a champagne cork than by a poisonous spider.
The speed of Heinz Ketchup exiting the bottle: 25 miles per year.
From: youwintrivia.com
What is a prayer rug? A prayer rug is used by Muslims of central and western Asia to cover the ground while they
pray. A distinctive arch-shaped design, the "mihrah," is on one end of the carpet and must be pointed toward Mecca
while the person is praying.