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Peace Resolution

For the purpose of {Fill in city name} joining with Baltimore in also becoming a "Peace City" for the world

WHEREAS, war, threat of war, preparation for war, real or unreal, have seeped into the human psyche in the form of fear causing division through beliefs in imaginary lines and boundaries, and judgmental thoughts of those people living within them;

WHEREAS, the United States of America, although stating its policy to be a peaceful nation, seems regularly to be involved in military conflict; offering our youth the example that solving conflicts is through violence;

WHEREAS, outrageous cruelty, incomprehensible oppression, torturous slavery, and genocide experienced by Native Americans and African-Americans indeed occurred;

WHEREAS, immoral and inhumane economic, educational, emotional, and spiritual injustice - slavery of the modern era continues to thrive;

WHEREAS, {City name}, the once {brief description of your city's glory days} now clings to a shadow of its former self due to the decline of democratic education and participation;

RESOLVED, the Mayor and City Council offers atonement to all its people, past and present, for any prejudices, mis-fortunes, and atrocities it has placed, through law, spoken, or unspoken word;

RESOLVED, {city name} joins Baltimore as a "Peace City" for the world by the focus and the commitment to uproot, deal with truth, and heal causes to the only problem that truly divides us, the lack of love;

RESOLVED, a "Peace City" is a city that does not use or promote anyone or product hurting any of its citizens, chooses to concentrate its energy on mentoring, works with the vision that opportunity and prosperity is indeed unlimited for all, integrates efficient land allocation and conservation, and is not afraid to say compassionate love is the central focus of politics;

RESOLVED, (City name}, the exemplary "Peace City" for the world participate in the international movement of thoughts and prayers in silence for peace of our planet, Earth, daily at three o'clock Post Meridian {this is Eastern - please change as needed to match} for at least three minutes;

RESOLVED, the Mayor and City Council keeps this Resolution permanently and prominently displayed in City Hall, free photocopies available to public, and books where its citizens and visitors can pledge becoming part of the peace process.

Written by Shaiyel Seltzer. Contributors are Bob Ellenberg, Louis Passano III and {place your name}.

Please let us know where this is being adopted by e-mailing Following the above adoption is already approved for your usage.

Thank you. The world thanks you.

Baltimore Peace