"I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it."
Freedom of Speech Quiz
Free Speech in the Progressive Era (1907-1916)
Ida Wells and The Memphis Free Speech
"FCC gaining too much power" The Daily Beacon
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street SW
Washington, DC 20554
Tel: 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322)
TTY: 1-888-TELL-FCC (1-888-835-5322)
Fax: 1-866-418-0232
E-mail: fccinfo@fcc.gov
Yes ~ IT's Political. Yes ~ IT's First Amendment. Stern
Facts & Action
Bush Facts
"But this is a dangerous condition for any representative democracy to find itself in. The tight control of information, as
well as the dissemination of misleading information and outright falsehoods, conjures up a disturbing image of a very different
kind of society.
Democracies are not well-run nor long-preserved with secrecy and lies."
--Walter Cronkite
Supreme Court Justice Scalia Bans Media From Free Speech Ceremony March 19, 2003
Senator Brownback's Letter To Mel Karmazin (President & CEO of Viacom)
"From FCC to Media, Unnecessary Static" The Boston Herald
"Stern belongs on radio just as much as Rush" Chicago-Sun Times Roger Ebert
If this bill becomes law, (for example) a person sharing their personal rape or sexual abuse story broadcasted on radio or
television could well be fined half a million dollars for explicit talk even though they are doing a public service by having
the courage to speak up and out. Who has the right to deem anything indecent for anyone?
Eight Year History of FCC proceedings Regarding Free Speech:
"Lott Clears Way for FCC Vote"
Media Bureau - regulates AM, FM radio and television broadcast stations, as well as Multipoint Distribution (i.e., cable and
satellite) and Instructional Television Fixed Services. "Send us comments or questions on any subject. We will try to answer
inquiries as quickly as possible. For substantive issues handled by the Media Bureau, e-mail to mbinfo@fcc.gov."
March 11, 2004 Open Commission Meeting - 9:30 am The Commissioners' monthly public meeting to discuss and vote on items that
are before the Commission. (Listen live by scroll down and click)
Audio/Video FCC Event Schedule (Listen to meetings Live!)
Archived Recordings of Commission Meetings (Listen!)
FCC Decision on News Corp./Hughes Leaves Citizens, Consumers Powerless to Halt Media Consolidation: FCC again Votes to favor
Big Media over the Public December 19, 2003
Center for Digital Democracy Press Releases on FCC Actions/Occurances (October 1999 - 2003)
Center for Digital Democracy ~ FCC Related Articles (1999 - Present)
Sample of True Role of FCC:
Region 7 for Public Safety Planning
Clear Channel
The Case Against Clear Channel (Lost Cause Magazine)
Clear Channel Radio Ownership ~ 1200 Stations (Search with zipcode)
Clear Channel Venue Ownership (Staggering. Estimated at 70% of all in U.S.A.)
Clear Channel Television Station Ownership
Compare to Infinity Broadcasting
What You Can Do
Email and Call your U.S. House of Representatives, Senators, and the FCC and tell them that further deregulation of any
media is out of the question. Then tell them that they should support Sen. Russ Feingold's, D-Wisconsin, Competition in Radio
and Concert Promotion bill, which sets out to reverse some of the Telecom Act of 1996.
Senator Mark Dayton SR-346, Russell Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20510 Tel: 202-224-3244 Fax:
202-228-2186 Website: http://dayton.senate.gov
Senator Norm Coleman SD-B40, Suite 3, Dirksen Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20510 202-224-5641
Website: http://coleman.senate.gov/
Senator Russ Feingold 506 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20510 Tel:(202) 224-5323 Email: russell_feingold@feingold.senate.gov
Senator Herb Kohl 330 Hart Senate Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20510 Tel: (202) 224-5653 Email: senator_kohl@kohl.senate.gov
Congressman Jim Oberstar 2365 Rayburn House Office Building, Washington, D.C., 20515 (202) 225-6211 Website:
5. Keep up on Clear Channel stories: salon.com or clearchannelsucks.org.
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street SW
Washington, DC 20554
Phone: 1-888-CALL-FCC (1-888-225-5322)
TTY: 1-888-TELL-FCC (1-888-835-5322)
Fax: 1-866-418-0232
E-mail: fccinfo@fcc.gov

Satire / Conspiracy ~ FUN! |
"Pinky and The Brain": Of Mouse And Man Episode: 40 Season: 3 First Aired: October
4, 1997
* Plot Summary: The mice attempt to join an ultra secret society of world leaders to gain access to their
vault and its closely guarded secrets.
* Brain's Tool For World Domination: Joining the ultra secret organization
of world leaders called T.H.E.Y. to gain access to their vault.
* Brain's Plan For World Domination: T H E Y - the
horde of ecumenical yodelers.....
Brain:"Their name is but an innocent sounding smokescreen to divert attention from
their true purpose, to rule the Earth. T.H.E.Y. are actually an ultra secret clandestine society of world leaders. ... Their
membership roster is a virtual who's who of Earth's most powerful. Tonight, two new names will be added to this elite list
- us. Once we are members of T.H.E.Y., we shall gain entrance to their secret vault, where they keep everything you need -
everything to know to rule the world!"....
* Brain:"Pinky, Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?" Pinky:"I think so Brain, but I prefer space jelly."
Goofs:1. When Brain is showing Pinky the list of T.H.E.Y. members in a book, in one shot a member's name is "Sonrise
Sorise," in the next shot that same member's name is "Soirise Sorse," then in the next shot the name is back to "Sonrise Sorise."
(Chris Brown) 2. In that same book, the spacing between the 'n' in Queen and the first 'e' in Elizabeth disappears between
the first and last shot.
* Written By: Wendell Morris, Tom Sheppard * Directed By: Mike Milo * Voices: Cast
- Maurice LaMarche as The Brain Cast - Rob Paulsen as Pinky Tress MacNeille as First Lady (of United States of America)
Frank Welker as Mr. President (of United States of America) * Animated By: Rough Draft Studios, Inc. Spielsburg Productions
~ Aired on Warner Brothers (WB)
Premiere Radio Networks ~ Fact Based Parody